Acne, Clearing the Skin Supplement Program


By Geoff D’Arcy, Lic. Ac., D.O.M.

In acne, sebum from the sebaceous glands gets trapped within the follicle. The result is blackheads and reddish, inflamed, pus-filled pimples, (you know the ones that can ruin teenage life for weeks on end). Acne is a common inflammatory skin problem, more common in teens than adults.

A few tips that may be able to help you get rid of acne:

  1. Never pop a pimple, it just makes the acne worst and can cause infection, best to just leave it alone and it will heal quicker, otherwise you may make the inflammation worse.

  2. Wash face to remove oils twice daily.

  3. Wash pillowcases in chemical free detergents.

  4. For women, remove all your makeup at night, wash your face completely and try to get the entire make up off. You could also use special makeup made for sensitive skin that doesn't use oil as a base.

  5. Avoid medication such as anabolic steroids, testosterone, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, and progesterone. These drugs can cause acne like lesions.

  6. Get out and get some sunlight, as ultraviolet light tends to decrease acne

  7. Dietary support: Mung beans, leafy greens and any foods that reduce "internal heat." According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, internal heat contributes to cysts and most skin problems. Stay away from yeast (bread), sugar, and alcohol. Avoid completely spicy, greasy, fatty, deep-fried or oily foods.

  8. Regular cardio/exercise (everyday if possible) this can help tremendously. Often if you do not do regular exercise, skin problems are worse.

  9. Daily bowel movements are important as constipation has a negative impact on healthy skin.

  10. Drink an adequate amount of spring water daily.

  11. Finish showers with cold water and briskly rub yourself dry to provide daily stimulation to your skin and circulation.

Cleanse Herbal Formula: 2 capsules, three times daily

This formula cleanses toxicity from the blood and helps remove wastes held in the blood. These undesirable wastes are from both the internal and external world and may include pesticides, herbicides, internal cellular wastes, viral particles, yeast cells, and bacteria. 

Renowned herbalist, Christopher Hobbs, defines a “blood purifier” as an herb that facilitates and supports the elimination of wastes from the blood through the skin, kidney, and bowels. 

Dandelion is a great cleansing herb that supports liver function (as does blessed thistle), stimulating bile production and flow. Dandelion root opens up perspiration and is a wonderful diuretic; both dandelion and blessed thistle help excrete wastes. The yellow-flowered “weed” is the only diuretic that actually helps replace potassium, often depleted by all other diuretics, herbal and pharmaceutical. 

Burdock is one of the foremost detoxifying herbs of the Eastern and the Western traditions; it is used to cool and cleanse toxic accumulations from the body, and, along with red clover, improves skin quality (rashes and other chronic skin problems). Fenugreek soothes and cleanses. Kelp is a nutritive food for the blood, a wonderful source of trace elements, and binds heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract preventing their absorption. Kelp has the added bonus of soothing the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Ingredients: Dandelion root, burdock root, blessed thistle, fenugreek seed, fennel seed, kelp thalus, red clover flower and leaf.

  • Antecedent: Based on clinical experience and research.

  • Dosage: 2 capsules, three times daily.

  • Maintenance: 1 capsule, three times daily.

Skin Glow Herbal Formula: 2 capsules, three times daily, or as needed

The dermis is packed with blood vessels. In fact, one-third of our blood is found there, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells and removing wastes. In both conventional medicine and many herbal traditions around the world, the quality and circulation of blood are essential factors for healthy, beautiful skin. One of the most important trace elements for the skin and arterial vessels is silica. However, the amount of this necessary mineral in our body decreases with age, along with the body’s ability to regenerate healthy skin. The most bioactive form of silica is found in horsetail. Kelp, found useful by women in many coastal cultures, is the best source for replenishing minerals and balancing the thyroid with its safe source of iodine. Thyroid health affects the health of skin and hair growth. Astragalus and ginseng were long used by Chinese royalty for beautiful healthy skin. Daily bowel movements are important as constipation has a negative impact on healthy skin; drink an adequate amount of spring water daily and sleep at least eight to nine hours every night. Finish showers with cold water and briskly rub yourself dry to provide daily stimulation to your skin and circulation. Ingredients: Asian ginseng root, dandelion root, astragalus root, kelp thalus, horsetail herb, birch bark and leaf.

  • Dosage: 2 capsules, three times daily, or as needed.

  • Maintenance: 1 capsule, three times daily.

Garlic: 2 capsules, twice daily

Garlic, may help destroy bacteria and enhance the immune system. Also try opening a capsule of the garlic powder and mixing into skin cream and leave on the acne overnight. Topical garlic can be a big help.

Probiotics: 2 capsules, twice daily, with 8 oz. of water

These friendly bacteria’s help to replenish in the intestines and normalize bowel actions. Especially important to take them if you have had a history of Anti biotic usage, which kills off the friendly bacteria. Increasing the efficiency of the intestines means less waste escapes back into the blood, and less pollutants in the skin.

*The statements contained in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

SkinPo Darcy