Longevity and Physical Health


Exercise. Move naturally such as gardening, yard work, walking to work are how the Blue Zones exercise, although in our culture joining a gym may really help. Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability. Need more convincing to get moving? Check out these seven ways that exercise can lead to a happier, healthier you.

1. Exercise controls weight

2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases

3. Exercise improves mood

4. Exercise boosts energy

5. Exercise promotes better sleep

6. Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life

7. Exercise can be fun … and social!

Aerobic activity. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out your exercise over the course of a week. To provide even greater health benefit and to assist with weight loss or maintaining weight loss, at least 300 minutes a week is recommended. But even small amounts of physical activity are helpful. Being active for short periods of time throughout the day can add up to providing health benefit.

Strength training. Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise using a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions.

Diet. Plant slant, eat more plants. While most people in the Blue Zones areas only consume small amounts of meat on rare occasions, all of them eat a rich array of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are packed with disease-fighting nutrients.

Two Week Diet-Detox Program

Our medical elite tells us to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and that this alone will lower cancer rates in the U.S. by 40%! Yet, when we look at what we are serving our children in the schools of America, we can easily get the disconnect that, we as a nation, have around food. This must change, and it CAN change...it can change in your circle of friends and within your circle of loved ones by making a change right now for yourself! We have seen many people on the typical all-American diet who start their change with this program and shift into the adventure of energy, weight loss, greater vitality, and greater health.

You will find that by choosing the healthiest of foods you will gain increased energy, strengthen your immune system, and find motivation to establish some healthy new eating habits. These healthy eating habits are what will nourish you, going into the future. We have run this program for over 30 years in our clinic. We now offer this life-changing experience on-line or with one-on-one with our nutritionists. We provide recipes, shopping lists and our decades of experience to make this detox as effortless and fun as possible.

Sleep. In 2014, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) declared sleep deprivation to be a public health epidemic. 

Mind-Body Program to improve your Sleep over 5 weeks

One in every two Americans experienced some difficulty falling asleep last year; one in three experienced insomnias on a regular basis. Some turn to over-the-counter medicines to help them sleep, while 10 million rely on prescription medicine. Many drugs that help induce sleep are not designed for long-term use, having serious side effects, leaving a hung-over feeling in the morning, and further disrupting sleep patterns. Other surveys have found that 27% of Americans reported using complementary medicines for fatigue, and 26% have used them for insomnia. Close to 40% of American adults say that daytime sleepiness interferes with their daily activities for at least a few days a month, and about 20% say it affects their daily activities a few days a week, according to a 1998 poll cited in the study. The two main causes being psychological, or stress induced and interaction of foods, drinks, medications. 

You can empower yourself to learn natural ways to balance your life and nourish your sleep patterns slowly reducing dependency on harsh sleep pharmaceuticals.

Stop Smoking.  Smoking Cessation Program can help over 21 days.

High Blood Pressure Relief Program guides you through the DASH diet, and natural supplements support lowering blood pressure. Obviously work with your Medical Doctor, but there is a lot that you can do to naturally support their recommendations.

    1. Maintain a Healthy Weight. DASH Diet. Follow a healthy eating plan, which includes foods lower in salt.

    2. Exercise: Maintain moderately physically active life on most days of the week. 

    3. Alcohol in Moderation: 

    4. Dietary Supplements: Consider a regimen of dietary supplements targeted at lowering blood pressure.

    5. Pharmaceuticals: Finally, if working with your healthcare practitioner, if all else fails and you have high blood pressure and are prescribed medication, you must take it as directed. 

    6. Acupuncture: Consider supportive therapies like Acupuncture and Nutrition 

    7. Check Your Blood Pressure regularly.

Medical evaluation with your Medical Doctor. Get a regular checkup Wellness visit and work-up.

Wellness evaluation with a wellness practitioner Get a lifestyle evaluation of your diet, exercise, which could lead to a targeted plan of nutrition, dietary supplements and vitamins, stress, basic preventative medicine, consider a wearable device like a Fitbit, to understand your sleep patterns, blood oxygen, resting and variable heart rates, etc. 

Po Darcy